James P. Cusick Sr. Responds to a Questionnaire on Maryland Issues.
League of Women Voters asked, 8 questions to each Democratic Candidates. Questionnaire was provided to the Democratic Candidates by the
League Of Women Voters. Vote411.org
James P. Cusick Sr. / Michael W. Lang Jr.
Maryland Governor / Lt. Governor - Democratic Party Primary
Answers below from James P. Cusick Sr.
What are your qualifications for the office of Governor?
"No one else has the fortitude and determination nor the understanding of the Child Support and Custody law reform issues as I will bring to the office of Governor which makes me as the best candidate for the job. The reforms needs to be done right and I am the best one to do it."
My comment: James P. Cusick Sr. doesn't address his qualification. Only what he will do if he's elected Governor. Only qualification he has is a GED which he received back in 1975. Everyone that ever been divorce and face with "Child Support and Custody" issues. Have a understanding how it works. Does that make them qualified to be Governor too?
What are your running mate's qualifications for the office of Lt. Governor?
"Class President and Valedictorian Great Mills High School, MD. University of Maryland 3 masters degrees in Computer Science, Psychology and in Advanced Mathematics. 6 years US Marine Corp, served in Korean conflict. Retired civil service. Naval Aviation Logistics, Pax NAS, Computer Analyst GM 17."
My comment: Michael W. Lang Jr. 73 years old has been in jail a few times and that's where he meant James P. Cusick Sr. at. It does seem that he has accomplish a lot more then James P. Cusick Sr. ever could. As long as what he said is the truth. There's no way to verify at this time.
ENERGY: How should Maryland address its future energy needs?
"To increase the use of nuclear power and wind power generation and decrease petroleum fuel usage. We could try to start getting our Maryland petroleum fuels from other American States."
EDUCATION: How should state government work with local governments to solve the crisis in funding for public K-12 education.
"I would be open to new ideas and new strategies. The State could allocate resources by the individual Counties criteria. We can gain school funding by the reforms for the Child Support and Custody laws and by releasing such non violent prisoners throughout Maryland."
ECONOMY: What measures to stimulate Maryland’s economy would you propose?
"Maryland economy is already stimulated a plenty, and the latest reports show Baltimore as the #15 in ranking of American cities which is well placed for our largest city. So we could create new legislation requiring employers to hire more and to lay off less as that is the bottom line."
My comment: Since James P. Cusick Sr. hasn't work since 1996. He would feel the economy is doing good. For all those Maryland voters out there. Do you think the economy is doing good? We are slowly recoverying but we are no were near where we should be. I myself spend no more then I have too. Without consumers spending these businesses will not be hiring anytime soon.
BUDGET: Even accounting for the beginnings of an economic recovery, the projected budget shortfall for next year is $1.5 billion. What are some of the specific spending cuts or revenue increases you would support to balance the budget?
"We do not want revenue increases for employees, but I would cut the unneeded spending on Child Support enforcement and grant release for non violent prisoners. Raise the taxes only on the very financially capable is an option, as like stopping businesses from passing the tax on to the customers."
CHESAPEAKE: What more can/should be done by the state to protect the Chesapeake Bay system and its resources?
"We could stop the exploitation and harvesting of the sea life in the Bay as then the crabs and oysters and assorted life can flourish and the sea life will help to clean the waters. These things can be done through artificial environments on shore."
My comment: Clearly James P. Cusick Sr. doesn't understand what causes unclean water in the Chesapeake Bay. The problem isn't by fishermen harvesting the crabs, oysters and fish life.
After more than 30 years of restoration efforts, the Bay continues to suffer from too many nutrients and sediments mucking up its ecology. The Bay is slowly choking from excessive algae growth, scant oxygen and poor water quality.
A few of the causes are, farmers, lawn and turf fertilizers that contain phosphorus, old septic systems.
TRANSPORTATION: What are your transportation priorities, and how should they be funded?
"I would like to see an end to all toll ways and toll fares throughout Maryland. We need to start having the funding before the priorities. Seek federal transportation funds. We could require having fully adequate infrastructure before permitting new growth."
O'Malley, Martin of Baltimore, Maryland
Email: trussell@martinomalley.com
James P. Cusick Sr. of Lexington Park, Maryland
Email: JPCusickSR@yahoo.com
Ralph Jaffee of Baltimore, Maryland
Email: Rjaffe4@verizon.net