
James P. Cusick Sr, His Child Like Mind

James P. Cusick Sr. loves to brag about his run in with the law, his jail time and most of all. That he sprayed "Graffiti" onto a State and Government buildings. While most would be ashame or sorry for what they did, he's neither. He did this all because he doesn't believe anyone should pay child support. He said he wants to reform child support. As he said, He wants to get rid of child support.

On the Baltimore Sun Forum. A forum member posted about the
First Lady tour Maryland State house.
James P. Cusick Sr. trys to make the thread about himself.
More childish bragging. As noted in his comment below.

James P. Cusick Sr. "I just hope that when they told the First Lady of the USA of the history of our Maryland State House - that they rightly informed her of the historical event in the year 2000 when it was spray painted as an act of non violent civil disobedience with the famous words of "Child Support thieves" and "Thou Shalt not steal" written in spectacular red spray paint on the pillars of our State House. This account is true, and I myself did that deed, and now this is part of our Maryland historical record."

View Source: Baltimore Sun Forum

James P. Cusick Sr. said, "It truly is "reform" as we get rid of the govt thievery called as "Child Support" and replace it or reform it into letting the two parents support their own children as God intended people / parents to do, and kick the State laws out of the parenting business. The "reform" is giving parenting back to the parents and reform the State laws to get out of the way of the parents. "

View Source: Baltimore Sun Forum

This is coming from a person that thinks he'll be the next governor. A person that wouldn't even support his own child. Where he got behind $27,000. Someone that travel state to state just so he wouldn't have to pay child support. Is this the kind of Governor Maryland wants, I would hope not.


James P. Cusick Sr, in The Capital: Hometown Annapolis.com

James P. Cusick Sr. "I got a big write-up in the Annapolis Newspaper today.I got the bottom or end of the article which is always the best place, and they told about my big platform of reform, and even told how my jail term was my non violent civil disobedience. Rock and roll."

View Source: Southern Maryland Forums

James P. Cusick Sr., Incarceration History

"Court Records Dog Some Candidates"

Quote "One of the most colorful court records belongs to James P. Cusick, a Democrat from Hollywood, who is running on a platform to change child support and custody laws.

Cusick has had numerous stints in jail for protesting those rules with acts such as spray-painting public buildings like the State House with the words "Child support thieves" and "Thou shalt not steal."

"It came out perfect and beautiful … " he wrote in an e-mail."

View Source: Top Stories Annapolis, MD - The Capital

Why would anyone want to vote for a candidate that's a repeat offender?

James P. Cusick Sr. has no reguards for the laws. Painting graffiti onto Government and State buildings is a bit childish. In turn he spend approx. 6 years in jail. So James got free room and board. All because he doesn't believe in paying child support.

Ask yourself, Is James P. Cusick Sr. the kind of person you want to representing the people of Maryland?

James P. Cusick Sr. on Child Support equals Welfare?

James P. Cusick Sr. said, "Actually factually the "Child Support is just another form of Welfare and Public Assistance" and of living off of the govt. Yes, go ahead and live off of your free govt money while you criticize others."

View Source: VoteJP on the Herald Mail Forum
Another one of his illogical comments.

After all, James P. Cusick Sr. promotes "Welfare and Public Assistance." Since James see's "Child Support" as another form of Welfare and Public Assistance. Then there should be no reason why he should be against having parents paying "Child Support." But yet he is.

James P. Cusick Sr. talks about people living off of Free Government money. But yet, He's living off of government money. In form of a disability check, food stamps, engergy assistance and part of his rent is being pay by the government.

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